If you become aware of a concealed leak on your property which has lead to increased water usage and have had a plumber inspect to confirm the leak, your Corporation may be eligible to submit a leakage allowance application to SA Water.
Applications are to be completed and submitted by your Corporation representative, which may be a Body Corporate Manager, Presiding Officer or Secretary. This is an important requirement as there is a restriction on the granting of leakage allowances for each Corporation over a 5 year period.
For this reason Strata Water Solutions does not compile or submit applications, but if you are completing an application we highlight the following points:
Paying your account
If you have an application pending it is still a requirement to pay your Strata Water Solutions water usage account by the due date. If an allowance is granted to the Corporation, the Corporation representative will need to contact us to confirm how/to whom the credit is applied and this will occur on the next quarterly account.
Applications are to be completed and submitted by your Corporation representative, which may be a Body Corporate Manager, Presiding Officer or Secretary. This is an important requirement as there is a restriction on the granting of leakage allowances for each Corporation over a 5 year period.
For this reason Strata Water Solutions does not compile or submit applications, but if you are completing an application we highlight the following points:
- The application will refer to a meter number and valuation/account number. These are not the numbers relating to a specific lot, but the numbers relating to the Corporation.
- The meter number refers to the Corporation SA Water meter at the front of the property, not the private sub-meter on an individual lot.
- The valuation/account number refers to the number on the Corporation's SA Water common supply account, not the number on the individual owner's SA Water (supply & sewerage) account
- The meter number refers to the Corporation SA Water meter at the front of the property, not the private sub-meter on an individual lot.
Paying your account
If you have an application pending it is still a requirement to pay your Strata Water Solutions water usage account by the due date. If an allowance is granted to the Corporation, the Corporation representative will need to contact us to confirm how/to whom the credit is applied and this will occur on the next quarterly account.